
Vampira: Disciple of Chaos

by The Beast of Nod

Intergalactic Death Metal [noun] 1. A subgenre of death metal music featuring linear song structures, odd time signatures, and extremely technical passages, wherein songs explore the characters and events of a sci-fi universe called “The Land of Nod.”

The Beast of Nod is:
Paul Buckley (Vocals)
Goreblaster Korpse-harvest Lunden (Guitars/Programming)
Brendan Burdick (Bass Guitars)
Nate Macmillen (Drums)

Produced, Mixed, and Mastered by Ian van Opijnen (Echo Room recording)

Guitar recording by Goreblaster and Ian van Opijnen
Album Artwork by Omar Field-Rahman
Photograph by Derek Sampson
Thanks to Norwood Pearson for guitar work