2020 Archive I: Evidence of Extraterrestrials


The initial clues to the presence of extraterrestrial life were plenty - some of which have even grazed the primetime spotlight throughout the 20th and 21st century. Examples abound:

  • The repeated sighting of a “Rhino-man” in various locales, often reported to have a glowing green horn.

  • 10,000+ year old cave paintings depicting pods of enormous whales seemingly flying through the air; remarkably similar paintings have been found in regions which had no known contact with one another.

  • Recently declassified footage from the U.S. government depicting a variety of “UFOs” with both organic and mechanic appearances.

And the list goes on. Despite an ever-growing body of evidence of to support the claim that we are visited (apparently quite frequently!) by extraterrestrial life, there was no direct cause for concern as none of the reported encounters had been hostile.