Song 1: Flight of the Quetzalcoatlus

The Beast of Nod find themselves sent back in time by the Super Eon Annihilator. They arrive on the continent of Laramidia in the Late Cretaceous period on Earth, and are immediately chased by a Tyrannosaurus rex.

They are found by a species known as the Stakslees, who were asked by the Super Eon Annihilator to train The Beast of Nod for war. The Stakslees commence their training.

Over the following weeks, they also begin meeting with the Cosmic Quetzalcoatlus, and are taught how to use the Cosmic Gem to enhance their powers and gain more abilities.

They are told of the intergalactic war to come (in their own time in the present), and the threat posed by a being known as Chaos.