Song 8: The Latent Threat

The mutiverse has been established and its protection coordinated by the Super Eon Annihilator. But there is a place outside of the conventional universes of the multiverse, a place home to new threats that the Guardians of the Multiverse are initially unaware of.

Many strange and incredible individuals and creatures roam this vast space between spaces. Somehow, after the universe ended, the legendary Cape of Faces found its way to this “space between.” It was found there by Ettlediffle, a relatively young humanoid being who was both kind and curious.

After using the cape to fend off a swarm of Reaps, he discovers he can use the cape in many ways. Eventually he discovers that he can also use it to create openings into the various universes; he uses this ability to explore and learn.

Unknown to Ettlediffle, great powers that would look to harm those inhabiting the universes have been watching him closely, and being to use the openings to advance their own nefarious agenda.